Interrogation Room

How can you look at someone

And be disgusted

Because they’re different

How can you make laws

That forbid someone’s love for another

Because you don’t know how to cope with

Your flawed system

How can you say

That “it’s for the good of the economy”

When you only help the ones

Who already know how to help themselves

Why would you repeat bloodstained history

For the sake of being greedy

Why is your religion

Superior to everyone else’s

Yes, you’re the government

But you don’t own the babies inside women

What right do you have to abuse your power

And trample every blooming, protesting flower

You’re hosting quite the party

Must be such a sadistic delight

To sip your secret agenda tea

And chat conservatively

What makes you think

That you can ignore the Constitution

And only cite it

When it sends you its best wishes

We the people

Have the responsibility

Of reminding you of it

Of your task to respect interests

That keep our world alive

We the people

Need to take the “I” out of divided

And work together to be united

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