Mercurial Boundaries

It’s hard to wake up and fall asleep

Feeling like a broken record

When I talk and write about

How I’m both okay and not okay

Crying when I have time

Telling little white lies

When the full truth is in development

Tired of the phone, text, and email communications

That only seek to drain my money and energy

Vampire, leech-ass society

Having good luck constantly seems to come with risks

Freeing myself from those feelings of entrapment

Only to then step in quicksand

Little girls standing on each other’s shoulders

In a trench coat

Disguised as successfully and independently

Navigating adult womanhood

Biting my tongue

When I want to scream, cry, and curse

At loved ones or strangers

Who purposely or accidentally

Bring me down whenever I’m already at my lowest

So I express myself in those ways

In my dreams instead

And have nightmares about work on a regular basis

Proud of getting through each day

Dreading having to do it all over again

Feels like dissociating in a war zone

Too hot

Too cold

Too much saying “yes”

Not enough saying “no”

Life and death lessons


The middle of somewhere and nowhere

Often wishing to be

Anywhere but here

Memories that feel like dreams

But death and loss

Are part of real life

Drowning in what was meant to be

Even when it’s too soon

Craving reassurance from the unknown

Taking the long way home

Ascending to gates

That hide and shine like pearls

Rewarding and protecting

A life that was hopefully well-lived

Forever connected to loved ones

By an invisible string

Even after the final cord is cut

Nature serving as the taker and giver

A grim reaper and a support system

Seeing them

Hearing them

Feeling them

A lullaby and warm embrace in every sense

The definition of “grief”?

It’s when a heart is heavy with love

And the tears cried

Are the testament

And it’s the same difference between

A eulogy and poetry

The Best Fish in the Sea

Fate can’t be forced

Progress can’t be rushed

The past can’t be changed

Our love could be second to none

My head spins like a globe

Just to catch a glimpse of you

My mind filled to the brim

With thoughts of you

But my world doesn’t revolve around you

I’m determined to create a bond of souls

A relationship, a forever

That’s equal parts healthy and happy

A balance of real love while maintaining self love

I can tell that you want the same

Which is why I have a gut feeling

That you’re different from the rest

Because you actually practice everything you preach

And constantly put work into

Everything you’re passionate about

Winning at life, but we’re people

Not trophies


Breaking down stereotypes and barriers

Another day, another dollar, another heartbreak

But keeping it pushing and moving

Prove Me Right

If you needed me, I’d come running

And for me, I know you’d do the same

Don’t let these feelings fade

Tongue tied with my head held high

Confident and shy

At the same time

You often make appearances in my dreams

Don’t dream it’s over

You’re so close, yet so far

I’m reaching out for your love

Lace up our soul ties

I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine

You’re such a vibrant personality

You deserve to live all your dreams

My heart will be sitting courtside

Another day, another one of your glowing smiles

Looking at you makes time stop

Your existence makes it easier

To embrace and be grateful for

Every moment

You’re the type I’d fall hard and fast for

While still taking my time

I wouldn’t trade you for the world

The Sucker Punch

Tell me why

You left me behind

When I gave you all my love

All my time

You would rather hold her

Even though I’m the one

Who put you first

Watch me slip out of your reach now

Seeing your arms around her

Knocked the wind out of me

While her superficial beauty

And vapid personality

Take your breath away

I really thought there was more to you than that

I really thought your heart craved something

Deeper than that

I wish this was just a bad dream

That you weren’t a waste of time and effort

But you’d clearly rather waste your love

On a perceived win that likely won’t last long

Soon to be nothing more than a stained memory

That’s your loss though

Hope you figure that out

While you’re still young

Golden Hour By Hour

Wishing for a change

To be able to do the things

That scare you

But you know they’d make you happy

Hold on a little bit longer

Get to know yourself

And keep the good people around you

The steps aren’t always chronological

You exist and we’re so proud to have you

We’re cheering you on

At the starting, middle, and finish lines

Even when you’re not at your best,

You are enough

Free yourself from feeling trapped

Lose yourself in the moment

You have time

Tattoo your dreams, plans, and goals

All over your mind

And color them in with every beat of your heart

You can’t always wait for a change

Sometimes, you’ll just have to be it

Adrenaline and true belief in yourself

Making changes as you see fit

Even the littlest thing can be worth looking forward to

If your skies are cloudy or stormy right now,

I hope you get some sunshine soon


Everywhere you are is home

Everything you do has heart

Your eyes shine with riveting intensity

You have a gentle giant stature

Cup you drink from full of wisdom and love

Defying and exceeding expectations

Take me anywhere

When love is the destination,

We can only go to a higher place

Where every goodbye leads to the return

Of the warmest smile

Driving in the passenger seat

An ode to versatility

I want to see you again and again

Kiss you like our lives depend on it

Hold you like a cherished memory

How would I love you?

Let me count the ways

With every breath of the breeze

Every raindrop landing on my cheek

Every moment an angel falls

And gets back up to spread their wings


Good girl

Good woman

Good wife, mother, etc.

Your favorite

Must be flawless

To accompany every newly created pressure

To look and be

Or just seem


And sexual for everyone’s pleasure

Except her own

But the truth is that she’s a wildcard

Everything you want and need

Or some of it

Or not at all

She’s an exploding star

Everything she wants and needs

Finding herself

In her beauty, brain, and spirit

Got Dynamics?

Trying to work hard

And turn every day

Into a holiday

I make and stick to

My own goals

I won’t let anyone or anything else discourage me

Because they are irrelevant

When it comes to the bigger picture

Of my life story’s illustrations

The original affirmations

Turning your traffic

Into my dollar signs

Your weapons of darkness

Into my all-encompassing light

Tired of being antagonized

I’m the pro to every con

I’m only playing your game

So that I can dismantle your system

Because all you do is cheat

How does life’s unfairness taste?

Before I can hear you complain,

I float to the other side

Brave in the face of your horror

I’m the real thriller


We’ll calm down when we want to

We have all the time in our world

Boy meets girl

Girl meets boy

However it ends up happening,

We’ll make it make sense

Imperfectly perfect

Perfectly imperfect

I can’t deny that I’m so into you

I can try to fight it

But your shadow looms over me

Like a warm, comforting blanket

Make me your prey

You’ve already won me over

We could try love on

And never wear it out

Be a perfect fit

Make every sacrifice worth it

Chance meetings of wants and needs

Your mind and body are masterpieces

Your vibes are immaculate

Your heart and soul?

A treasure trove

An electric current

Waves crashing into my heart’s shore

And lighting up my sky